Monday, 10 October 2011

How Can I Attract My Ex Boyfriend - 2 Reasons Why You Must Control Your Emotions

I'm not sure how long it has been since your break-up but now that the smoke has cleared and you are thinking more calmly and more rationally after all the drama, you are probably now wondering "how can I attract my ex-boyfriend".
This is a very good question. It is good because it shows that you know that the only way to get your ex-boyfriend back to become attractive to him again. 
You already know that the crying, the begging and the coercing don't work and that that behaviour doesn't work because it is not attractive.
There is absolutely nothing about that type of behavior that will make your ex-boyfriend see you as the woman that he has to be with. 
You have to become the type of woman that he wants to be with again. You want to be the one he finds sexy, alluring, attractive, fun, spicy and who has it together. 

But hold on, that's not that hard to do is it?
Why you ask? Because you were once with him! There was a time not so long ago that he found you attractive, and attractive enough to be in a relationship with you.
So how can you attract your ex boyfriend now even though quite a bit of drama might have happened immediately after you two broke up?
The answer is simple. In order to attract him, the first thing you have to do is to control your emotions.
I'll give you two reasons why this is so important.
1. The needy, clingy behavior which so many people display immediately after a break up because they are caught up in their emotions is not attractive. That type of behavior is NOT going to inspire your ex-boyfriend to be drawn to you. He needs to FEEL drawn to you.
That feeling is him being attracted to you and, as you know, when a man is attracted to you, he wants to do things to get closer to you. He wants to come see you; he wants to talk to you; he wants to call you; he wants to take you out.
Why? Because he can't help it! He's attracted to you! Any type of clingy, needy behavior based on out of control emotions works to your disadvantage and will push him away. 
In other words, he won't ever feel like coming toward you if you display that sort of behavior. So stop it now.
2. Whenever you are in complete control of your own emotions to the point where you cannot be manipulated, the other person caught up in the dynamics of the relationship with you will be forced to take notice. That person will start to become more emotional.
For example, if your ex-boyfriend broke up with you today. He says "I think we should stop seeing each other. I don't love you anymore. We are done". Your gut instinct is to cry, beg and plead for him to change his mind and give your relationship another chance.
But what if ... instead of doing that, you controlled your emotions even though you felt like your world was about to fall apart, and you simply said "ok, if that's what you want" and then continued living your life as if he were never in it?
What do you think that would do to him? The first thing he'll do is start to wonder if he actually meant anything to you at all. That is him becoming more emotional because you are not showing any emotional weakness whatsoever. You see what I'm saying?
And that is exactly what you want! Because then you get him to think about you, wonder what the hell is going on and why you are not upset about the break-up. When that happens, YOU are now fully in control.
I witnessed this happen just two months ago with two friends. It was amazing to watch.
He said "We're finished", she said "ok" and prepared to move on. She was hurt but she never tried to get him back. They were back together in less than a month and are still together as I write this. He asked to get back with her!
When you are fully in control of your emotions, that's when your ex-boyfriend starts seeing you very differently and when that happens, you suddenly become attractive to him.
You become mysterious. You just told him ok, that's fine but you don't actually say anything else so he doesn't have a clue what else you are thinking or doing.
And that's just what I mean about the attitude you have. What you are telling him but without telling him really is that he is free to go. He wants to break up with you, right? 
Cool, because that doesn't mean that your life stops or that you can't live with out HIM and you have to convey that message to him without actually saying it.
You get it?
Right so forget about getting him attracted to you. You want him addicted to you, right?
Exactly, so go here to listen to the video and download your programme.
It's all in the ATTITUDE I tell you.
You can be with him, not be with him, doesn't matter AND he NEEDS to know that.

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