Sunday, 9 October 2011

How to Draw Your Ex Back - 4 Ways To Get Him Thinking About You Constantly

To have any chance of getting back together with your ex, you have ease into your ex's mind and then camp out there. 
It is when your ex starts to think of you again and again and then becomes obsessed with you that you will be able to draw him back.
So how do you do this initially?
-Limit all contact with your ex. Do NOT EVER initiate calls, texts, emails, IM or Facebook messages.
-Do NOT return calls, texts or emails sent by your ex. This is a delicate one that must be used cautiously and for a limited amount of time. You know your ex and the dynamics of your relationship so use this tip at your discretion.
-When contact is reestablished, limit all phone conversations to ten minutes. 
You must end the conversations first. At this point, you are too occupied anyway to be spending hours chatting with ex. Your time is valuable to YOU and, in addition, your ex sees he is no longer a priority in your life.
-During conversations, remain mysterious. Your ex must always be left thinking that there is something more to the story; something more going on in your life that you are not saying; something more to you. This is what makes them insatiable and hungry for more.
This is just the tip of the iceberg though. I assure you that it is so much fun. So now that you are on your ex's mind constantly, how about we bring this home and get you your ex back?
 Are you game? 
If you are sure that you want this man back, then click here, kick back, have some fun, get him back and have him addicted to you.
You'll see why I say that as soon as you begin the programme!

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