Sunday, 9 October 2011

Should I be Friends With My Ex - 2 Ways to Just Say No

By now, you have decided that you do want to get your ex boyfriend back and you have solved the riddle "should I be friends with my ex?" You have made up your mind that you will not be friends with your ex because you know that that would not work in your favour.
Just in case you missed that post explaining why that would NOT be a good idea, it's here.
Now you are probably asking yourself how do I make it clear that we are not friends or that I do not want to be friends?
It is quite easy. You have two options.
The first is you tell him up front either in a text message or via email. 
Say something like "I think we should both go our separate ways now. I really do not think that it would be in either of our best interests to remain friends." After that, you disappear from your ex's life altogether or at least that is the appearance you give.
The second way to make it clear is by being very low key. By keeping a low profile, i.e. not initiating any contact whatsoever and not responding to all the calls and emails initiated by your ex, your ex will quickly understand that you are not at his beck and call any longer.

You are not close friends. You are not friends. In fact, at the moment you are at best mere acquaintances.
Now when you put either of these two strategies together with a clear step-by step plan aimed at getting your ex back, can you imagine how powerful you become? Your ex is naturally going to be drawn to you and will come and track you down.
Now, that is how you get your ex addicted to you!

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