Did your ex say to you "I think it is best if we stopped seeing each other but we can still be friends"? You are sure you want your ex back but at the same time, you are wondering "Should I still be friends with my ex?"
Let's recap and let me put this in perspective for you.
Your ex-boyfriend dumped you.
In essence, your ex told you that you were not good enough to be a significant other but suddenly you are good enough to be a "friend"? If you are like me, you'll see there is something seriously wrong with this way of thinking. That is why your gut instinct is to ask "should I be friends with my ex?"
If you really want your ex back, you cannot be a friend or best friend. Here's why.
One, it will be a one-sided friendship because you will be more invested in the relationship since your real motive is getting your ex back. That means you'll end up doing all you can to please your ex to convince him to like you as more than a friend. In time, that leads to your ex taking advantage of you and your kindness and taking you for granted.
Two, you are not giving your ex a chance to miss you by creating an emotional void. This is key to building the attraction necessary for them to be drawn to you and want to be with you.
Three, you will feel like crawling into a hole when your ex starts to date someone else and come and tell you all the details. After all you are a friend. That's your role now: to listen to your ex, your new best friend, talk about his new love life.
The hell?
No, you are way better than that!
Short answer, no you should not, under any circumstances, be friends with your ex. Okay so now you are wondering, well how do I get that second chance?
Well, you just need a good plan and one that will deliver results quickly.
Click here for that plan. I encourage you to read as many blog posts as you need to to get the strength to say NO to being friends with your ex.
What the hell for?
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