Sunday, 9 October 2011

3 Tips to Shift Your Vibe and Draw Your Ex Back to You

You know that the only way to get your ex to enjoy being around you is by having a positive aura. We already discussed that in this post.
You have already started no contact. Now you want your ex to think of you, feel happy, smile and wish there was contact. When this happens, you are on the way to rekindling the relationship. How are you going to do this?
1. Find every possible reason to be happy right now. 
In other words, you love your cat and your cat loves you; your favourite TV show is on; you have satin sheets that make you feel sexy when you go to bed at night; you just bought a new outfit; you are playing basketball on Saturday and you just cannot wait; you are going to a concert to see your favourite artist; someone just told you that you have gorgeous eyes.
 You understand what I mean? Find any reason to get happy and stay in that positive place!
2. Find a new project or a hobby. Find something that you love which will keep you busy and inspired and focus your thoughts on that. This allows you to have fun. 
It also stops you from thinking of your ex constantly and it reduces the "down time" you have which you might use to do something silly like picking up the phone and calling your ex to say hi.
3. While you are in this positive place, get yourself in your ex's line of sight but remain aloof and unavailable to him. 
This step is much more challenging so you are going to want to play it very safe at this stage and have a clear plan otherwise you will undo all your efforts and that will put you right back at square one.
You can do this though. You'll be fine!
Didn't that dog make you smile? :) 

See, told ya!

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