Wednesday, 12 October 2011

How Can I Get My Ex-Boyfriend Back - Let Him Go First!

I know that since your break–up that you have been desperately wondering “how can I get my ex-boyfriend back?” You’ve probably been searching online for any information on how to get this man back in your life.

If you have been through or are going through what I like to call the “drama” stage, don’t worry, it is perfectly normal. After all this is someone that you may have been in a relationship with for a long time. Him breaking up with you, even if the relationship was on rocky ground, is still hard to accept and especially if you did not want the break-up. 

But I’m going to need you to focus for the rest of this article so that by the end of it you are absolutely clear on what it is that you need to do to get your ex-boyfriend back in less time than you thought possible.

The drama stage ends now if it wasn’t over yet. You’ve done the crying, the begging, the stalking, the calling non-stop, etc.

That’s it! You’ve made your point. He knows that you want him back but he’s still not having it so we can all agree that that method is a royal waste of your time and his.

So great! That’s out of your system. Now if you really want him back, you have to let him go first. Now what do I mean by that? 

I mean that you have to accept that he has broken up with you and has chosen to move on with his life. Now don’t go getting upset with me because I am saying that. It’s for your own good in more ways than one and I’ll explain why.

1. You have to accept it and allow him to move on with his life because at this point it appears that that is what he wants. If someone wants something and you try to stop them from getting what they want, they get upset and quite rightly. I bet that you act the same way when you do not get what it is that you want. So give the man what he wants. 

2. Whatever you try desperately to hold onto someone, that person becomes very scarce. Maybe it is the desperation which I think comes off as a form of pressure that is too much for the person to bear.

Your ex-boyfriend has already told you very clearly that the relationship is over. When you desperately try to hold on to him, instead of letting him go, that pressure on him become too much and all he can think of is getting as far away from you as possible so as to get AWAY from the pressure. 

You can understand that right? You would do the same thing if someone was pressuring you. It’s nothing personal. It’s almost a survival instinct. He’s trying to protect himself from the pressure. 

When you let him go and STOP putting pressure on him, there’s no reason for him to try to get away from you anymore because you are not a threat to him or to what he wants.

3. When you accept this break up, stop trying to contact him and move on with your own life as he is doing with his, continuing to have fun and focusing on yourself and your dreams, he has to stop and wonder what you are up to and why you are no longer trying to get him to talk to you or be with you. He has to! 

You’ve been a part of his life for a while so I don’t think that he can just forget you like that. He will wonder what you are up to when he doesn’t hear from you and when that happens for a period of time, he’ll want to contact you. 

And that is the opportunity that you are waiting for! That opportunity will only come when you let him go and move on just as he is doing. This may seem like the last thing that you want to do but really it is the only real chance that you will ever have to get your ex-boyfriend back. 

That is why I said that in order to get him back, you have to let him go!

Now that we are clear on that, click here and find out exactly what else you need to do get your ex-boyfriend back!

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